“Architecture is the very mirror of life. You only have to cast your eyes on buildings to feel the presence of the past, the spirit of a place; they are the reflection of society”
The Design Partnership’s architectural services are lead by registered architect Kristine Ryan (Reg. No. 5294). With over two decades of architectural design experience, TDP can:
- Design commercially successful buildings and structures
- Prepare feasibility assessments (excluding financial aspects) of all development typologies to test yield and approach
- Prepare and lodge Development Applications
- Prepare submissions for Design Competitions
- Create photomontages and artists impressions to help you visualize your prospective projects
- Collaborate with 3D modeling professionals to deliver a virtual 3D model of your project
If your architectural project also involves masterplanning or residential, commercial or industrial subdivision, you will achieve a significantly better outcome if you engage a qualified architect with solid expertise and experience in both these fields.
A commercially successful masterplan or subdivision is more than mere words on a page and lines on drawing. A thorough architectural understanding and approach allows TDP to develop your plans with an eye to the future dwelling typologies and streetscapes. A subdivision design that fails to do so may, through poor street layouts and sightlines, deliver an almost industrial appearance where row after row of similar single story dwelling rooftops march robot-like to the horizon. This is not the TDP way.
TDP operates in a collaborative environment - a very successful approach where we join with other architectural and landscape practices to design the best outcome for your project. This allows us to harvest particular skill sets to create a design team tailor-made for your project.
Architectural experience and project types
TDP’s architectural experience includes:
- Townhouses and villas
- Medium density super lot developments
- Residential Flat Buildings
- Shop top Housing
- Commercial
- Industrial
At TDP we don’t focus on bespoke ‘one off’ homes – this is a specialist area. If you are looking for a bespoke home we suggest you research an architect who specialises in this field, as it requires a particular type of experience and studio model.
It’s your money
We are sometimes asked: “What is your house style”. Sadly that implies that whatever we do is about us and what pleases us – rather than what works for you the client.
We are not, as they say, ‘black skivvy’ architects. Your project is important to you - and we respect that fundamentally. If something we design is award worthy – that’s fine. But it should not be the driver. We will never try to convince you that a pretty picture is what you need if it doesn’t fulfill your project criteria.
After all – it’s your money.
Here are some of The Design Partnership’s architectural projects: